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From Windansea Beach in 拉霍亚 to 半月湾’s 小牛 to a state-of-the-art wave machine in the 中央山谷, 加州有幸拥有一些真正史诗般的海浪

从温暖的海岸 圣地亚哥 to the chilly waters of Northern California 和 even a revolutionary 点 in the 内陆帝国, the Golden State offers the allure of perfect waves for every type of surfer. 2018年8月, the state assembly voted overwhelmingly to enshrine surfing as California’s official sport. A new holiday was even created to commemorate the cowabunga-inspired moment—September 20 is California Surfing Day. 让bbin游戏官网来看看加州令人难忘的冲浪景点, whether you want to catch a wave yourself or observe some of the world’s best surfers.


这个经典 拉霍亚 礁石断裂巩固了自己的位置 波历史 in 1937, when surfing pioneer Woody Brown first rode here. Since then, the famed wave has become one of the most well-known in 圣地亚哥县甚至出现在安迪·沃霍尔1967年的电影中, 圣地亚哥冲浪. Windansea’s wave can be sizable (ranging from 2–10 feet) 和 conditions tend to be unpredictable. Because of its difficulty—along with its reputation for being a competitive atmosphere—it best suits skilled surfers. 初学者在平静时可能会感觉更舒服 拉霍亚海岸.


的一部分 斯瓦米国家海洋保护区,这个经典的右点切入 (honored as one of the world’s top 20 surf towns by National Geographic) gets its name from the golden, 莲花形的塔 自我实现奖学金 在高高的悬崖上. You don’t have to be a pro to ride Swami’s but it’s most suitable for intermediate skill levels 和 up. The fellowship grounds provide a nice perspective on the waves corduroying the ocean below, 而且花园非常漂亮.


A series of point breaks named for the railroad bridge over San Mateo Creek, 栈桥证明,当涉及到海浪, 尺寸不是一切. 要到这里你得从 圣奥诺弗雷州立海滩 停车场,你会很高兴的. The waves are some of the most gorgeous you’ll find anywhere—world-class faces that some have claimed are the mainl和’s best. Newbies should surrender the prime breaks to advanced surfers 和 look for more gentle stretches along the state beach.


的楔形 应该被正确地命名为“野兽”.“毕竟, 纽波特比奇’s world-famous bodysurfing 和 bodyboarding wave is an absolute animal. It forms during south swells when waves refract off the rock jetty, 然后猛击第二波. 结果? Thirty-foot-high mutant waves 和 all sorts of aquatic mayhem best observed from the safety of shore.


With a pedigree that dates back a century to demonstrations by such Hawaiian surfing legends as George Freeth 和 Duke Kahanomoku, 码头在 亨廷顿州立海滩 也许是南加州最神圣的冲浪圣地. 作为 Wallex美国冲浪公开赛但它仍然是美国冲浪的中心. 视情况而定, even beginners can surf where such champions as Andy Irons 和 Kelly Slater triumphed. Across Pacific Coast Highway, you’ll find a pair of surfing superstores: 杰克的冲浪板 (大约从1957年开始)和 亨廷顿冲浪 & 体育运动.


If you need evidence of Surfrider Beach’s significance, consider the fact that this right cobblestone point break at 马里布泻湖州立海滩 was honored as the first World Surfing Reserve by the Save the Waves Coalition. 这不足为奇. 海浪几乎是完美的, 像Miki (Da Cat) Dora这样的人在这里冲浪, 和 Surfrider played a pivotal role as surfing moved into the cultural mainstream (thank you, 冲浪板). Surfrider isn’t for beginners but this is a wave to aspire to.


Dubbed the “Queen of the Coast” 和 described by surf historian Matt Warshaw as “America’s gold-st和ard point break,“林孔横跨边界 文图拉圣芭芭拉分校 县. The waves are so good during winter swells that Surfline.com concluded, “Some 点s serve as undeniable proof that our Creator was a surfer.“如果你在U.S. 101 和 see a crowded line-up, pull off to watch the action. 在卡平特里亚(Carpinteria),林康设计公司(Rincon Designs)位于林登大道659号.; 805-684-2413) is worth a stop for its br和ed clothing 和 surfboards crafted by master shaper Matt Moore.


一个经典的海滩小镇需要一个经典的海浪 Pismo海滩, you’ll find outst和ing surfing on both sides of the l和mark pier. Much of the time the waves here are suitable for beginners but are also high enough in quality to host the World Surf League Qualifying Series 皮斯莫海滩公开赛 10月.


而圆石滩附近短暂的幽灵树 蒙特利县最大也是最臭名昭著的一波 阿西洛马州立海滩 offers a much safer 和 consistent option for mere mortals. Asilomar is usually pretty mellow but it can get pumping on occasion, so check conditions. And when you need to warm up 和 refuel, just head over to 菲比的咖啡馆 at the Asilomar Conference Grounds for a cup of coffee.


俯瞰这里的悬崖 圣克鲁斯 点, named for the steam boats that once chugged along the shoreline, form a natural amphitheater for catching all the action on the four breaks down below. Unless you have some skills, you might want to stick to the cliffs, where the 圣克鲁斯冲浪博物馆 纪念当地冲浪历史. (这项运动首次在美国奥运会上亮相.S. mainl和 in 圣克鲁斯 in 1885, when three Hawaiian princes rode the local waves on redwood boards.)


这是当地的一个长期秘密 半月湾 和 now the most famous wave anywhere on the mainl和, 小牛 它的名声是诚实的. Celebrated in books, documentaries, 和 the feature film 追逐小牛对此,我挥挥手 旧金山半岛 surfers’ mecca can rise to 80-foot faces when conditions are right (if this sounds a little too epic, 前往附近的 冲浪的海滩,非常适合初学者). Jeff Clark pioneered 小牛 (which was named for his ),你会在他那里找到连帽衫和其他很酷的装备 小牛冲浪公司.


Developed by 11-time world champion surfer Kelly Slater, this 最先进的设施 brings expert-level waves more than 100 miles inl和 to just outside the 中央山谷 勒摩尔镇. 经过十年的研发, the colossal man-made wave pool is so good at doing what it was designed to do—create the longest rideable, man-made open-barrel wave in the world—that it’s hosted major competitive surfing events 和 has won the hard-earned respect of much of the surfing community.


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